
A Few Favourite Tree Friends

This ancient cedar is on one of my favourite bike rides along the Sooke River. These
trees are hard to age, but this one could be pushing 1000.

We initially moved to the rainforest from the city to be surrounded by wilderness, to experience a landscape and everything living in it more than we ever had before. We gave ourselves time to explore and followed every little whim.

Because of this mandate we have made friends with a lot of trees.

Here are a few of the gentle giants that we have had the privilege of visiting.

This large Douglas-fir is in Devonian Park, Metchosin. There are a few older trees here, and
access to the beach and ocean below.

This is the largest tree I have stood next to in my nine years of tramping through the forest
searching for the big ones. Western red cedar like this one could live for thousands of years.
Yes, thousands.

This old growth Sitka spruce is on a trail leading to China Beach. All along the coast the
last holdouts of the primeval 10,000 year old forest hang on… for now.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for showing us species taller, older, more clever and wiser than us. They do promote everything that is good and have seen much more of life than any of us. They not fabricate war and do not perpetrate war crimes. They give oxygen for life, earth for plants, an ecosytem for animals, shade for mushrooms, music for the wind and sequester CO2, amongst many other good things. Thank you for reminding us, making us humble and putting us in our proper place, below their towering legacy, once we cannot afford to damage or forget .


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