

Putting More of Victoria's Sequoias On The Map

This giant sequoia is located at the corner of Moss and Richardson in Victoria, BC,
and may be the largest tree in the city.

In the ten years I lived in the Victoria, BC area, the big tree hunter in me was blown away by the beauty of the massive urban sequoias. 

These trees are north of their usual range in California, but some have still managed to become large, eye-popping trees.

I published a post about my project of mapping some of the trees I found so others could find and enjoy them, too. 

That post, Mapping The Giant Sequoias Of Victoria, BC is the second most viewed post on our blog.  

It also has more comments than anything else I have published here, as readers share their favourite Victoria sequoias over the years.

A while back, a comment on that post alerted me to the work of other Victoria-based sequoia hunters that have picked up on my mapping project.

These big tree aficionados have found more than 350 of these trees in the Victoria area! 

A giant sequoia in Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, BC

Here is the comment they left on our blog:


"Thanks to Greg's initial idea, this winter we have made an effort to identify as many sequoias in Victoria as possible while walking all around the city.


We have actually found more than 350(!) of them (including a half dozen Coast Redwoods), much to our surprise.

The map showing all the sequoias we have found so far around Victoria is now online at:


Not Only Natural website



We hope that people here will find it interesting/helpful. Yes it was a bit of work looking for them, but also quite enjoyable - and thought-provoking.


Please have a look at the map and let us know what you think - and if you know of any sequoias we have not yet seen. (We haven't included dawn redwoods, just because they seem to be in a different category than the redwoods that naturally grow south of here.)

Wow! Thanks to the good folks over at the Not Only Natural. It is heartening to see the project I initiated continuing on and being expanded. 

We also have to thank the good people of Victoria, BC and area that have commented here to share their favourite big sequoias, making this urban big tree project more fun and complete.

Please do take a look at the Not Only Natural website and map. 

Is your favourite Victoria giant sequoia on it?


The World is Watching: Protect Old Growth Forests in B.C.

Myth: Old growth logging is a thing of the past.

Reality: Wrong

Tens of thousands of hectares of ancient forests are logged each year in BC, resulting in a huge climate and environmental footprint. 

In the past 150 years on BC’s southern coast – Vancouver Island and the southwest mainland – 75% of the original, productive old-growth forests have already been logged, including over 90% of the valley bottoms where the largest trees grow.

Click for more information at Ancient Forest Alliance, which is leading the campaign to save what little old growth remains.

Thank you, AFA! 

Consider a donation while you are there. They need our help.


Forests For Life

If we are looking for effective carbon sequestration, never mind feeble and overpriced industrial solutions. We need to look at a real leader in the sector.

I am referring to forests. 

Home to about 80% of the world's biodiversity, forests are collectively the second biggest storehouse of carbon after oceans, absorbing significant amounts of greenhouse gases. 

They also enhance biodiversity, while protecting waterways, enhancing soil nutrition, and providing buffers from natural disasters.

All of that, and they are beautiful places to live or visit. How dull life would be without trees and forests. And how different life would be. 

Some believe that civilization would have been impossible without trees. 

How sad it would be if we destroyed all the primal/old growth forests of the world, a task that is frighteningly close to completion.

Not only are such forests living history books, but they are also carbon sinks that rival any kind of expensive human solution in industrial sequestration.

Once those forests are gone, they will take centuries, eons in some cases, to replace. And for what? A few jobs and temporary profits. 

How sad. 

Considering their importance, we should show trees and forests respect and gratitude more often.

We should also do everything within our power to protect what little old growth that is left. It is those ancient forests that absorb and hold the most carbon, if that is to be one of our goals.

Protect forests and we retain one of our best ways of mitigating our effects on the atmosphere.

Trees are our friends. Forests for life.